[meteorite-list] watch out - Ad police about!!

From: Dave Harris <entropydave_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Apr 4 13:54:39 2006
Message-ID: <4432B2FB.000019.00924_at_D500>

Right, I know this is OT, but it DID impact on me and I get such excellent
info from the list that I have decided to turn this problem over to you all
- you can delete (I would if I were you!) but if you have been harangued
then maybe you too might need to realise you are not alone.
..hey hey... watch out for the Ad police, but he only picks on the small
fry and bullies them - so you big guys who are professional, offer good
stuff and good prices are exempt... but beware the wrath of the ever-right .
.Ooooops, nearly gave his name away!

Sorry to be so petty but this individual is a bully and to be honest, from
the feedback I am getting offlist, it seems that I am not the only one who
has been judged, juried and executed by this magnificant individual.

He threatened to turn this issue over to the list so now here is the Big Man
s chance.

Sorry to be rather off topic, but I left the list for a good reason
(attitudes &c.) a year ago, and guess what, within a week one of these
kindly souls tried to stick the boot in.

How about a competition to guess who it is?

Prize? well, the satisfaction of outting a mean-spirited individual and the
knowledge that we have a calmer, more respectful and peaceful list in future
- so we can read our mails or digests and enjoy!!!

Yep, I'm peeved, but strangely happy!


(still) IMCA #0092

BTW - if any of your know who this person is, can they please explain to him
what the word "pretentious" means - he used it so incorrectly it was
humerous.... I would describe his behaviour as "egregious"....

Received on Tue 04 Apr 2006 01:55:07 PM PDT

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