[meteorite-list] Astronomers Lean Toward Eight Planets

From: drtanuki <drtanuki_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Aug 23 11:03:57 2006
Message-ID: <20060823144433.49829.qmail_at_web53201.mail.yahoo.com>

Hello List,
    It appears that the only reason for dropping poor Pluto from the list of planets is an American cultural bias in that SIZE COUNTS. Pluto, as do the rest of the planets, orbits the Sun in a somewhat regular manner as a planet; therefore leave its classification alone.
    Science may change the status of Pluto; but Pluto will still exist as it has without any concern of Man`s (new-school-biased? Astronomer`s) scheme of things.
    Sincerely, Pluto fan making 9.....Dirk Ross...Tokyo

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