[meteorite-list] apology

From: Bruce Yankewitz <yankb04_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 02:48:16 -0600
Message-ID: <BAY7-F17FE0CD7C7E6E7F931F921B4CF0_at_phx.gbl>

Well. That's easy for YOU to say. :)

By the way, before (or maybe after) you delve too deeply into your
Steve-analysis - and this point has been driven home frequently on the
list, although apparently not frequently enough - the Steve Arnold of
Brenham-fame (whom you mention below) and the Steve Arnold currently
referenced are two entirely different people....possibly altering someone's
proximity to the Ka'bah a smidge. :)



>From: Thaddeus Besedin <endophasy at yahoo.com>
>To: Bruce Yankewitz <yankb04 at hotmail.com>
>CC: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] apology
>Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 22:00:54 -0800 (PST)
>Steve is capable of distinguishing the objective case of the pronoun"who"
>from its subjective function - this alone constitutes evidence that Steve
>isn't incapable of commanding acrolectic communication. Orthography is the
>possession of normative entities. Not all of us have the need to
>communicate in a fashion exempting us from reproach by merit of formality
> Steve is a meteorite dealer, and although I have reservations about the
>possible loss of paleoenvironmental and archaeological information during
>the course of deep excavation of Brenham specimens, he is obviously
>successful at his hobby and livelihood - and I'm sure he thinks the same.
>This permits us to hold him to high ethical standards, but not to publicly
>ridicule quirks of his personality irrelevant to business. Offenses
>committed as a result of exchanges are not unassailable, though.
> The commodification of meteoritic material is a catalyst for any deceit
>or misdemeanor.
> Steve's grammar is fine if we understand what he is saying (I imagine).
> If I, as a qualified representative of a human in subjective grammatical
>usage, were dyslexic, my indignation of your belittling patronization, if
>expressed in language more asyntactic than you permit yourself to leak from
>your head, would still warrant censorship in most contexts by most censors.
> We all have our motives for possessing extraterrestrial materials. In
>the end, the reasons are perhaps tied to metaphysical concerns, even if our
>positivism denies what is common to our humanity: empirical certainty and
>faith are equivalent. Both approaches to the limits our experience arrive
>at security. To be close to the Ka'bah, after all, is to be in the company
>of the heavens - of the cosmos.
> -Thaddeus
>Bruce Yankewitz <yankb04 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> steve arnold writes:
><< I really want to start gaining the respect of people of whom I know and
>would like to
>know on this list >>
>Steve: Assuming you are getting tired of making endless apologies to the
>list (and most listees are getting tired of reading them), how about giving
>this a try: Stop doing things you will have to apologize FOR.
>Plus (aside from the seemingly self-evident solutions of obeying list-rules
>and displaying higher ethical standards in buying, selling, and posting),
>there are a couple of very simple changes you could make in your posts.
>They couldn't hurt:
>There is no such word (in English anyway) as "forsale". Same for "alot".
>You might introduce yourself to the space bar on your keyboard (it's the
>long skinny one in the bottom row). Use between sentences and after
>While you're figuring out how to correct "forsale", give "stoney" a shot,
>Ditto: Millibbilliee, Glorietta, viens, liesure, givaway, shrapnal,
>mororroco, rediculous, siderlit, nininnger, allie, mes, "to" vs. "too" vs.
>"two", et. al.
>A "fusion-crustless fragment"? Marks for originality.
>While familiarizing yourself with the space bar, spend a little
>with the key which says "Shift" on it. It Capitalizes things. Consider its
>use with "texas", "monnig", "chicago", "usa", most everyone's
>even "steve" and "arnold", too.
>Not everything you mention is particularly
>A discernible attempt at eliminating the linguistic laziness in your posts
>would demonstrate that you have some respect for the listees who read them,
>a prerequisite for your receiving their respect in return.
>At the very least, try to set your grammatical goal as high as listees for
>whom English is a second, third, or fourth language. From a well-meaning
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Received on Wed 20 Dec 2006 03:48:16 AM PST

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