[meteorite-list] Tucson Airport Security

From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Feb 7 01:35:28 2006
Message-ID: <BAY111-F35F7000F1D823DB199373DB3010_at_phx.gbl>

Hello Everyone,

Made it home to 40 degree weather and missing the 70's of Tucson already.

Tucson airport security is usually very relaxed during the show. As usual I
had no problem with my meteorites, including a 182 gram Tras Castillos
ungrouped iron from Haag's catalog, a 248 (?) gram Gibeon sphere, an iron I
brought to give Bill Mason to do his magic, a few 200g stones and various
other like items of possible worry.

They didnt however like my stalactite cystal group, which I was not
concerned about, where I had a "Mrs-Deer-in-the-headlights" stare at it for
about five minutes, which seems longer when you are shoeless and being
watched by the increasing line of people, before decided it was alright. I
guess I might be able to stab someone with it if I was running at
them....and they were running at me.

Thanks also for the beer Rob.

I will have my Tucson report up, with photos, in a few days. If anyone
would like to make a report and have it posted, perhaps even linked with
mine on Meteorite Times as I did a couple years ago with several, send me an

Also, if anyone has a photo of Steve being presented his award by Hagg,
please let me know.

Clear Skies,
Mark Bostick
Received on Tue 07 Feb 2006 01:35:25 AM PST

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