[meteorite-list] Rochester Meteorite - NPA 12-22-1876 - Decatur, Il.
From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Feb 18 08:38:32 2006 Message-ID: <BAY111-F357C8ECC8CC236DD1B69A5B3F90_at_phx.gbl> Paper: Decatur Daily Republican City: Decatur, Illinois Date: Friday Evening, December 22, 1876 Page: 2 (of 4) PANA, Ill., Dec. 21 - Passengers on the southward bound Illinois Central train were treated to a fine view of a brilliant meteor, just as the train was approaching Macon. A young lady was the first to discover a large ball of fire coming directly towards the train moving from west to east, midway between the zenith and horizon. It burst just before reaching the train, and gradually descended. (end) LINCOLN, Ill. Dec. 21 - A large meteor passed over this city about nine o'clock this evening, in a northeasterly direction, and is supposed to have struck the earth some thirty miles away. Its passage through the air sounded like the rumbling of a train of cars; the explosion was like the roar of cannon. As it passed over us the earth trembled and houses shook. For nearly a minute the heavens were ablaze and it was light as day. Paper: Decatur Daily Republican City: Decatur, Illinois Date: Friday Evening, December 22, 1876 Page: 3 (of 4) Under "CITY DEPARTMENT." ...Everybody is talking about the meteor. (end) THAT METEOR Last evening the attention of people who happened to be out doors about eight o'clock was attracted by a huge ball of fire rising in the west, which, when at an angle of about forty-five degrees, seemed to burst, sending out innumerable jets of light similar to what appears when a rocket explodes is the air. The immense body of light, with its thousand or more attendants, moved rapidly in an easterly direction and disappeared over the eastern horizon at about the same altitude which it had reached in the west when first seen. In about four or five minutes after the light was first seen, followed the report of its explosion, which was similar to two discharges of a cannon, causing the buildings and ground to tremble, as would the shock of an earthquake. Those who saw the light, of course associated the sound with it as it origin; but those who were inside and simply felt the shock, had an idea that an earthquake had taken place, until they learned of the meteoric display which immediately preceded it. From the length of time which intervened between the appearance of the light and explosion and the report which followed, it must have been many miles away, and we shall probably hear of the phenomenon from remote parts of the country. One very interesting fact that goes to show the distance of the luminous body from this locality, is that its appearance at Wapella was telegraphed at this station, and the telegram was read to bystanders before the report reached here. These fire balls or shooting stars are fully described in Encyclopedias. They are said to be generally from fifty to one hundred feet in diameter, their size to the eye of an observer, of course, depending upon their distance from him. Humboldt claims that some of the largest of these shooting fire balls must have had a diameter of from five hundred to two thousand feet. Their height at the points where they begin and finally disappear, is said to be from fifteen to one hundred and fifty miles, and their velocities are said to vary from eighteen to thirty-six miles per second. They sometimes appear singly - as was the case last evening - and sometimes in large numbers, as was the case in November, 1833, when the most remarkable meteoric shower ever witnessed on this continent took place. It is supposed that there is in all these fire-balls solid matter, which finally falls to the earth, numerous specimens of which have been found from time to time - many of which are in the cabinets of our colleges and other institutions of the country. In most instances these specimens are composed of about ninety parts of iron, to ten of other metallic matter. Various theories have been suggested as to the origin of these aerial travelers, which we have not room to notice, all of which will be found fully stated and discussed in the standard Encyclopedias of the day. The study is an interesting one, and especially so at this time, when everyone is talking about the wonderful phenomena of light and sound. (end) A Good Joke. - One of our citizens who had retired at the time the meteor passed over the city last night, upon hearing the report and feeling the shock, thought that his chimneys had fallen down, and got up and went to the roof of his house to satisfy himself that all was right. (end) Clear Skies, Mark Bostick Wichita, Kansas http://www.meteoritearticles.com http://www.coinandstampman.com http://www.imca.cc http://stores.ebay.com/meteoritearticles PDF copy of this article, and most of those on my website, are available upon e-mail request. The NPA in the subject line, stands for Newspaper Article. The old list server allowed us a search feature the current does not, so I guess this is more for quick reference and shortening the subject line now. Received on Sat 18 Feb 2006 08:38:29 AM PST |
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