[meteorite-list] Fukang Pallasite & Chinga Ungrouped?

From: David Weir <dgweir_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Feb 18 21:41:29 2006
Message-ID: <43F7DAA4.1000102_at_earthlink.net>

Hi Mike,

I read only recently that Fukang is a main group pallasite (don't
remember the source but likely an LPSC abstract). I did also read the
abstract on Chinga, Willow Grove, and Tishimingo. I don't own any of the
above meteorites.


Mike Fowler wrote:
> Hi List,
> I have a Chinga Iron in my collection listed as IVB Anomalous.
> According to this abstract, Chinga is Ungrouped. Is this the latest
> consensus? If so I will need a different meteorite to represent the
> IVB group in my collection.
>> Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII (2006) sess454.pdf
>> Honesto J. * McDonough W. F. Walker R. J. Corrigan C. M.
>> McCoy T. J. Chabot N. L. Ash R. D.
>> 187 Re-187Os Isotopic and Highly Siderophile Element Systematics of
>> Group IVB Irons, and Ungrouped Irons
>> Chinga, Tishomingo and Willow Grove [#1374]
>> IVB irons and the ungrouped irons Chinga, Tishomingo and Willow Grove
>> were analyzed for HSE abundances
>> and 187Re-187Os systematics. Chinga and Willow Grove cannot be
>> related to the IVBs by igneous fractionation.
>> Tishomingo is more ambiguous.
> Regarding the Fukang Pallasite, Arizona Skies states on their web site
> that Fukang is Ungrouped. This is news to me. I searched the internet
> and could find no info. Can any one confirm the official
> classification of this pallasite? Of course, if it is ungrouped, I'll
> have to add it to my collection as well!
> Mike Fowler
> Chicago
> 55 unique planetary bodies represented in my collection and counting!
> PS Of course, I went to David Weir's Meteorite Studies site first to
> get his take on these two irons, but neither one is listed yet!

Thanks for using my site.

Received on Sat 18 Feb 2006 09:40:36 PM PST

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