[meteorite-list] Harvey Awards + Thanks to Greg and the List

From: Matt Morgan <mmorgan_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Jan 25 13:44:51 2006
Message-ID: <43D7C701.2010909_at_mhmeteorites.com>

I am glad you guys accepted. You all deserved it!! Thanks Greg for
organizing. Great idea.
Matt M

Notkin wrote:

> Dear Friends:
> I had house guests last night, so have only now had the chance to read
> your many kind emails. Wow, what a response! As Greg wrote to me,
> privately, "The List has spoken."
> When Steve and I came up with the idea of the Harveys, quite some
> years ago now, we decided that we, ourselves, would not be eligible.
> It would be tacky to give ourselves an award, right? : )
> However, we dare not ignore the wishes of our friends and peers. I
> have spoke to Steve, and we will gratefully receive the People's Award
> this year. I have not yet spoken with Phil, but I certainly hope he
> will concur, and it is certainly well deserved. As well as being the
> person who believed in Steve's Brenham mission, and made it happen,
> Phil has made a truly Herculean behind-the-scenes effort to bring the
> big Brenham to Tucson, so that many of you good folks will have the
> pleasure of visiting with it in person. Phil is too modest a fellow to
> tell you this himself.
> Steve is on the road, at the moment, which is why he hasn't had a
> chance to reply.
> So, Greg and I will figure out a way to do this. Thank you all for
> your support and good wishes, both of which mean a great deal to us!
> I have one request/suggestion: let's make the People's Choice an
> annual event, so that each year, you can all vote for some deserving
> person(s) for a Harvey.
> Thank you again, and I am looking forward to seeing many of you here
> in sunny Tucson, this week and next week.
> Sincerely
> Geoff N.
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Matt Morgan
Mile High Meteorites
P.O. Box 151293
Lakewood, CO 80215 USA
ebay id: mhmeteorites
Received on Wed 25 Jan 2006 01:44:17 PM PST

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