[meteorite-list] Ed Deckert

From: Metorman46_at_aol.com <Metorman46_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu May 25 23:01:19 2006
Message-ID: <45c.192519e.31a73b9a_at_aol.com>

Hello Ed;
  Welcome to a very good meteorite list.Hope you enjoy your stay and stay a
long time.Meteorites are a fascination that we all enjoy and probably will
never know all they have to tell us.But what we learn we can enjoy.And i would
venture to say that as time passes and new technology comes on board
meteorites will really tell a tale of this fabulous universe in which we float on
this little "blue dot"( Carl Sagan ).
 Welcome aboard and i look forward to your posts;Over the hump in
Received on Thu 25 May 2006 12:55:54 PM PDT

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