[meteorite-list] Meteorite Hunt Pictures . . Warning Graphic Pictures

From: Dave <david.carothers_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 03 May 2007 07:16:20 -0500 (CDT)
Message-ID: <26904952.19051178194580284.JavaMail.root_at_vms068.mailsrvcs.net>


I guess you didn't want to "stake out" the area.


>From: wahlperry at aol.com
>Date: 2007/05/02 Wed PM 11:04:33 CDT
>To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
>Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Hunt Pictures . . Warning Graphic Pictures

>Hi List,
>While on a recent road trip to hunt meteorites at Tungsten Mtn I
>decided to stop at Smith Creek Valley Dry Lake. The area looked like a
>possible place to hunt meteorites. After about an hour of searching I
>saw something in the distance that looked out of place. I decided to
>check out the unknown object. What I found was a large wooden pole
>probably 25 ft. high with a COW carcass impaled upon it. It looked like
>it had been there for some time. I took a few pictures and moved on. I
>decided to go to the opposite end of the lake and I saw another post
>with a large object on top. By this time I had quit hunting and drove
>toward the post. To my amazement there was another cow on top of this
>post with a Raven's nest in its belly. This goes to show that you never
>know what you will find in the desert. I would have camped there... but
>I didn't want to disrupt the evil spirits! Not that I was scared or
>Warning some of the pictures may be offensive to some! View at your own
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Received on Thu 03 May 2007 08:16:20 AM PDT

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