[meteorite-list] Mixed Feelings about Selling Part of my Collection

From: David & Kitt Deyarmin <bobadebt_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 3 May 2007 21:26:26 -0500
Message-ID: <009601c78df3$9ddf87b0$aff33842_at_David>

Last week I decided to sell all of the 50mm x 50mm slices in my collection.

Originally I collected the slices to determine if a particular meteorite would
make a good candidate for a sphere

However, my 50mm sphere collection is growing and most of the slices were
duplicated with spheres so I figured there was no need to have both.

Well I sold the entire collection to a single buyer last weekend, and even
though I got a fair price I have a slight feeling of loss.

I know this is normal and that I will get over it but I just figured venting
would help it along.
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