[meteorite-list] New Norwegian Fall

From: Michael Mazur <mjmazur_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 19:44:35 +0200
Message-ID: <cbdefd770705211044x76bacfffradd63200be515f67_at_mail.gmail.com>

There is only one news article so far on the most recent Norwegian fireball.


It's in Norwegian but essentially says that a fireball as bright as the sun
and occured at 19:00 over ?stlandet (Oslo lies in this area). Knut J?rgen
R?ed ?degaard hopes that it will be possible to find pieces on the ground.
Another fireball was reported the next day at 23:00 over Mj?sa. No mention
of sounds from either one.

After Moss, I would expect that there will be little in the news from the
University of Oslo which, in some ways, is understandable. If the rumours
that I've heard are correct, Norwegian meteorites may soon be state
property. So, this might be the last chance to collect meteorites in Norway
(presuming that material made it to the ground).


Michael Mazur
Vigdelsvegen 523
4054 Tjelta
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