[meteorite-list] Looking for large Murchison

From: David Weir <dgweir_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 17:26:27 -0400
Message-ID: <4659F783.7030608_at_earthlink.net>

> Hello all
> I am in the market for a large piece of Murchison in the $40-50 per
> gram range. May be dreaming but figured I'd throw one out there.
> Rob Wesel http://www.nakhladogmeteorites.com

According to Kevin Kichinka's Pricing Guide, as of July 2005 the average
asking price of Murchison by 13 dealers was $90/g. As of February 2007,
8 dealers were selling it at an 11.4% increase, at $100.25/g. Kevin
admits to subjective decisions on his average price based on such things
as weight, cut, surface area, quality, crust, labels, etc., so maybe
$40-50 is reasonable for the right piece: i.e., a large fragment lacking
nice crust and with few other quality features. Good luck.

Received on Sun 27 May 2007 05:26:27 PM PDT

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