[meteorite-list] Mr. Webb and Larry

From: Darren Garrison <cynapse_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 01:03:46 -0400
Message-ID: <rvcn535r2b0jrjq6vbe8dsgq01b9601hlh_at_4ax.com>

On Sun, 27 May 2007 15:23:03 -0400, you wrote:

>These stupid things you two individuals have posted, due to your arrogance and conceit, would almost be angering, if not for the fact that it is sad that you have so little regard for the God of Creation who made you and later, Jesus Christ (Jehovah Salvation) who died for all of mankind's sins--yours and mine. Additionally, you are threatend by the existence of Christians and our faith and belief in God. There is no salvation and no absolutes in science, only questions that have temporary answers that continue to be disproven and somebody has to come up with a new answer. But with God, you need look no further, he is the Answer.
>Let's face it, when I die and if I'm wrong, I've got nothing to loose, but Mr. Webb and Larry, when you guys die and go out to eternity and find out I'm right (whoopsie! :-0) and you have to meet the God you mocked and made fun of....well to quote Homer Simpson, "Duh-ah!!!". That is terrifying.
>I wouldn't have written the above but for the ignorance of two.
>I proudly take responsiblity for the contents of the above and if you don't like it, blame Mr. Webb and Larry.

Having read only this single post from you, I can say without fear of
contradiction that both "Mr. Webb" and "Larry" have long ago forgotten more than
you will ever know. ESPECIALLY illustrated by your apparent impression that you
are being clever by throwing Pascal's wager at people who probably could point
out the logical flaws in it while you were still in diapers.
Received on Tue 29 May 2007 01:03:46 AM PDT

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