[meteorite-list] NASA Meteorite Teaching Guide PDF

From: AL Mitterling <almitt_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 08:44:55 -0400
Message-ID: <465EC347.9090107_at_kconline.com>

Hi Pete and all,

That's a real good guide for collectors to do programs with as well as
teachers. In this guide they have a section pertaining to the
Noblesville Meteorite which plopped down several feet away from Broodie
Spaulding and his friend in Broodie's yard. Luckily I am an owner of a
full slice (20 grams) of that meteorite and when area museums and
educators have done programs using this fine educational guide I've been
able to provide them with my Noblesville which is impressive for
students and educators alike who have read about that fall and to see
the actual material.

I was given the paper guide after they were through doing it at one
museum, so I have the hard copy which is fun to look through. All my
best to all!

--AL Mitterling
Mitterling Meteorites

Pete Pete wrote:

> Hi, all,
> Here is a link to a NASA sponsored, teacher's guide regarding
> meteorites, PDF file:
> http://www.outofthecradle.net/archives/2007/05/exploring-meteorite-mysteries/
> http://www.outofthecradle.net/archives/2007/05/exploring-meteorite-mysteries/
> - just over 7 megs.
> It's rated for grades 5 to 12, but if you're a beginner, every little
> bit helps, eh?
> Cheers,
> Pete
Received on Thu 31 May 2007 08:44:55 AM PDT

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