[meteorite-list] ATTN: ART JONES AD - Crusted Zagami, L3 Conglomerate

From: Dave Gheesling <dave_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 10:54:25 -0500
Message-ID: <EE16410B5EEF4B1ABDB1E1E3AC92D706_at_meteorroom>

What process is in place to remove this kind of garbage from the list? One
can rent Groundhog Day for a much lighter story with the same effect, and I
won't bother going through the well-placed and well-established broken list
rules here again. I'm not referring to Al Mitterling, by the way...
Thanks in advance,

-----Original Message-----
From: meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Bob Evans
Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2008 10:36 AM
To: al mitterling
Cc: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD - Crusted Zagami, L3 Conglomerate


Never heard of Mauro Daniel. Sent money, no material ? Thats a joke. Look at
my feedback.
A clown like this doesnt even know who he dealt with

Ryan is a little self centered brat who blew off a deal with me.
McCartney and I had a deal go bad that we are to this day trying to
Misrepresent ? Never !
NWA 1110 - Adams efforts to comletely control certain areas of the market.

As for you Al, You never bought a single item from me, have you?
So if you have a problem with me I suggest that you take it up with me face
to face and stop hiding behind that monitor you little P***Y

----- Original Message -----
From: "al mitterling" <almitt at kconline.com>
To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2008 9:16 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD - Crusted Zagami, L3 Conglomerate

> Greetings List Members,
> It seems that a certain member in bad standing that continues to want to
> advertise here who has cheated a number of unsuspecting members by both
> not returning money to them after promising to do so and also
> misrepresenting meteorite types as something rare when they are not. A
> number of these victims wrote to me to thank me for posting my first email

> message about him.
> Here are a few of the list archives indicating there are serious problems
> with this creep. You can also go here to see for your self a number of the

> problems that have been posted over the list for a number of years.
> I must warn the list of Bob Evans as well. I was supposed to receive a
> $125 refund from Bob over a month ago and I still have not received my
> money back, nor have I recieved a response from him after several email
> and phone call attempts. Well, I checked his Ebay history a few days ago
> and noticed that he had placed a $1500 bid on a meteorite not too long
> ago, yet he cannot afford to return my hard-earned money back to me? Never

> again! I warn everyone else not to do any business with Bob Evans. His
> unprofessionalism is a joke.
> Ryan
> Well, Bob Evans just called me after reading my email to the list and he
> was pissed-off as I had expected he would be.. nearly shouting at me
> through the phone line. It doesn't look like I wil be getting "a penny
> back" from him, so it looks like I'll have to use alternate routes to get
> my money back. Sorry to everyone else who has to read this, but his
> reaction to the situation is unacceptable. By the way Bob....I'm 22 years
> old, not 15 as you had asked me during our brief phone altercation this
> evening. See you in Tucson next year... I'm sure everyone will be giving
> you a warm welcome.
> Ryan
> Bob Evans its another Cosmicvisitors alias Brad Sampson...sent money no
> material, useless excuses aside the mailbox not go etc.....
> Mauro Daniel
> McCartney and List,
> Doesn`t a theft of goods totaling a sum of 4,000+$ constitute a Felony in
> Texas?
> http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061122154905AAnQ0ts
> Thank you McCartney for your post to the list.
> Sincerely, Dirk...Tokyo
> mccartney <mccartney at blackbearddata.com> wrote:
> As a member of IMCA, I feel it my duty to warn other meteorite buffs to
> avoid entanglements from questionable persons.
> On June 24, 2006 I posted to the list as a courtesy that I had been the
> victim of a fraudulent trade with Bob Evans. This is the rest of the
> story...
> After a year of trying to resolve the issue, it took me many more months
> to conclude that he just wasn't going to respond.
> I sent emails, Ebay emails, registered letters and confirmed delivery
> letters, with no response from Mr. Evans. He had my piece and he wasn't
> going to finish the trade.
> I sued Bob Evans in Williamson County, Texas Court. It went to court on
> October 19, 2006. Small CLaims suit #060094. He apparently tried to avoid
> being served his lawsuit by the Will County Sheriff, but they served him
> successfully. He did not respond to the suit, nor did he show in court.
> He lost by default and now has a judgment of $4,800 against him. He now
> joins Mr. Casper in the hall of Shame.
> Its my character flaw to be an overyly trusting guy. I have traded with
> people from South Africa to West Texas, Poland to Alaska. Never had a
> problem. On the whole the average meteorite fan is a fair, wholesome,
> science loving, respectable person. I encourage all of you to trade with
> your peers on this list, but do a little homework on your partner first to

> weed out the Caspers and Bob Evans's.
> Last word, the meteorite community is a small sand box - Remember to play
> nice.
> -mt
> IMCA 2760
> Yes, there was a lawsuit against Bob Evans brought by me. It was in
>> regards to a trade that was partially done, where I sent material and
>> only
>> received a partial trade, then Evans went quiet. No contact for many
>> months. Eventually, I posted about it and received many replies that he
>> has done this before. His modus operandi is usually to go quiet and not
>> communicate. Which is what he's doing now. He did not show in court, I
>> received a default judgment by the judge.
>> Evans did not appeal and a judgment was issued. I spent the money to have

>> the judgment filed in Illinois and a lien filed against his house. At
>> this time he can not purchase or sell, or inherit real property until the

>> judgment is paid. It is collecting 8% interest at this time.
>> If I recall my contract law correctly, selling NWA junk as Zulu Queen
>> would be 'Misrepresentation' as well as Unjust Enrichment. Selling Zulu
>> Queen that he didn't know was NWA junk is simply 'Mutual
>> Misunderstanding'. Good luck in proving he had prior knowledge it was NWA

>> junk.
>> This is a small sandbox we play in. Play nice. McCartney Taylor
> Dear List,
> This is a public warning to Bob Evans to stop using the NWA 1110 and NWA
> 1877 designations and meteoritelab descriptions. I filed a blanket
> complaint claim with ebay and found out that it is considered fraudulent
> to
> use lab numbers that do not apply to your samples. It is also against the
> law to steal copyrighted descriptions. It took me weeks to explain to ebay
> what is involved with getting numbers assigned to NWA meteorites. I will
> start pulling the trigger soon on this kind of fraud starting with Bob
> Evans. If ebay gets too many complaints the meteorite subsection might be
> reconsidered (eliminated). That is why I am posting this message publicly
> to avoid continued contact with ebay. Here are two of the many fraudulent
> auctions Bob Evans is involved in:
> Consider this warning to edit your numbers and descriptions to reflect the
> truth or I will report this fraud to ebay when I return tomorrow. My
> attorney gave me the green light to start pursuing these cases and I will
> exercise my options.
> Wishing everybody else the best,
> Greetings List,
> I could go on and on and post dozens if not more posts on people having
> trouble with this thief but it would be counterproductive to our
> discussion here. I feel I have done my part to warn people of this creep
> and if you don't take the advise of this email and the emails of others
> who have, had trouble with this criminal then we'll await to see your post

> on the trouble you are having by thinking this is some kind of a joke.
> Best wishes to all!
> --AL Mitterling
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