[meteorite-list] The hunt for green crystals in Udei Station

From: Metorman46 at aol.com <Metorman46_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2008 18:59:20 EST
Message-ID: <d21.443e89f2.368c0fd8_at_aol.com>

Hello Mike
,peter and list;
I have a 200g chunk of udei station that is eat up with green ( diopside
possibly ) inclusions.There is also some on the outside,one looks like an actual
faceted crystal,to me anyway.
I have also found green inclusions in campo del cielo silicated iron
slices.I love the green and yellows that show up in some of these specimens.
Thanks for posting such an interesting observation and interesting subject.
Best Regards;Herman Archer IMCA 2770
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