[meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an onlineforum format?

From: Art <blurtheline_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 16:40:43 -0800
Message-ID: <998a6e0f0802211640p5d865124y8d6a6baed4801bc0_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hi Everyone;

First of all ... Anne, it was great seeing you as well (and Geoff,
Steve(s), Mike, ET, Sonny, and many others!) along with all of your
wonderful meteorites!

Now, I'll respond to David's initial post, both from a personal
preference standpoint and as well as from a web admin's standpoint.

>From a personal standpoint I have to agree with Norbert and Darren;
while I do use several forums I get much better use from the mailing
lists I belong to. It seems that no matter how hard I try I can't seem
to make myself go back to the forums on any regular basis (I often
post a forum topic and then forget I did - not seeing any replies for
weeks). I know that many forums have features built-in to handle that
type of thing (e.g. topic subscription, notification, etc.) but I just
don't seem to use them (and I am pretty tech savvy). Probably the old
dog/new trick thing that John mentioned.

>From a web admin's standpoint, I would actually rather have the
conversations going on in a forum as they would be easier to manage,
as well as easier to monetize (and help pay for hosting, etc.).
Meteorite Central actually started out as a forum ten years ago but
never really took off in that format.

I think the long-term answer is something similar to yahoo groups,
which kind of uses a forum as the "backup" to a mailing list. I am in
the process of integrating the current mailing list with the forum
that is on Meteorite Central. It's an involved process and I don't
have an ETA on completion. The way it <will> work is that emails sent
to the list and posts made to the forum will do basically the same
thing, so members who like the emails wouldn't see any difference, but
members who like the forum format could use it that way, along with
the added features a forum would offer. I'll keep everyone posted
regarding progress.

In the meantime, I hope that everyone continues to enjoy the mailing
list, as well as all the other resources out there!

Best Regards, Art

On 2/21/08, Impactika at aol.com <Impactika at aol.com> wrote:
> In a message dated 2/21/2008 3:37:53 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,
> riffraff at timewarp.de writes:
> Hi Del & Greg,
> If you visit the meteoritecentral site (the home of this list), and check
> your own subscription settings you will notice that there is an option to
> deactivate email delivery for times such as vacation - it's just one click,
> and you won't have to wade through hundreds of emails after your return. And
> then there is the digest mode, and much more. Yeap, mailing lists did evolve
> during the last decade, and they are surely not "out of time" ,-)
> To me, being part of this list is like walking into my favorite pub after
> work. I often meet old friends, make new friends, and I'm free to
> participate in discussions, and I'm free to relax or to listen to all the
> meteorite gossip going on. Sometimes there's even a good deal to be had, or
> firsthand information on new finds and falls that would be hard to find
> without having to search the net for hours and hours. And if I don't like a
> post or a thread there's always the good old delete key.
> Forums can be neat, for sure - but they are usually more like that modern
> type of bar with separate rooms where some folks get together at this, and
> others on that table. Most of the meteorite forums I've visited thus far are
> lacking the chaotic but familiar charm of this list. Thanks to Art for all
> his efforts to keep this good old list up and running!
> Cheers,
> Norbert
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Exactly, Norbert.
> Very good comparison. I like the email format too and have no problem
> following some threads, and ignoring others.
> Maybe we should also try to remember that this is Art's List, and we are
> guests.
> And that information, news, gossip, fellowship (and even disagreements)
> comes to us with very little effort from any of us.
> Only the use of the Delete key every now and then. OK! yes, sometimes the
> highly repeated use of the Delete key.
> Thanks Art, nice seeing you in Tucson.
> Anne M. Black
> www.IMPACTIKA.com
> IMPACTIKA at aol.com
> Vice-President, I.M.C.A. Inc.
> www.IMCA.cc
> **************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.
> (http://living.aol.com/video/how-to-please-your-picky-eater/rachel-campos-duffy/
> 2050827?NCID=aolcmp00300000002598)
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Received on Thu 21 Feb 2008 07:40:43 PM PST

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