[meteorite-list] Earthquake Update

From: GeoZay at aol.com <GeoZay_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 15:39:55 EDT
Message-ID: <565d6.60582e41.38ece80b_at_aol.com>

>>For those who care, we have been having "aftershocks" up to about
4.0 - like over 30 of them in the last day.<<

Michael, have you looked at a map showing all the aftershocks lately? They
sure are all bunched up in a row from the big one to just acrossed the
border. Then the aftershocks spread out all over the place in southern
california as you look northward to the Salton Sea area.
Received on Tue 06 Apr 2010 03:39:55 PM PDT

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