[meteorite-list] Meteors, by C. P. Oliver an original copy pubished in 1925

From: Mike Jensen <meteoriteplaya_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 08:00:35 -0700
Message-ID: <6f9da8301003090700y8c88bf9w78f3d6a52c3d24f0_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hi Shawn

I have a couple of comments about the book. The book has not been
signed by LaPaz but someone has just put his name in it. For some
reason it was and I believe still is a common practice to have a grad
student or possibly a secretary do this. I have several examples of
this in my library. I also have one I believe genuine copy of a signed
book of his in my library. The book is Space Nomads.
As for the interest in the book I have three words Nininger, Nininger,
Nininger. In other words most other signed books seem to have little
additional value either monetarily or historically if they are signed.
I do consider myself somewhat of a "meteorite historian" and know
there are several other amateurs out there as well. So I do appreciate
the types of items that fall into this category there just are not a
significant amount of others that find them important enough to
As for the University of New Mexico my guess is they would not be too
interested in the book as they have limited funds and limited space.
Though as I mentioned it would only be a guess.


Mike Jensen Meteorites
16730 E Ada PL
Aurora, CO 80017-3137
IMCA 4264
website: www.jensenmeteorites.com

On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 10:48 PM, Shawn Alan <photophlow at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hello Lister,
> Here is something I found on the Internet?about the book called Meteors by C. P. Oliver , published in 1925,?which?was?highly regarded in the early days of the study of meteors and meteorites.?Here is a link
> http://www.smugmug.com/gallery/11388383_xtf3A#800281843_WPKqj
> to an original copy printed in 1925, from Lincoln LaPaz personal library, which has also?been?autographed by Dr LaPaz. For those who don't know, Dr LaPaz was the?founder of the Institute of Meteoritics at the University of New Mexico. Within the book there are?several pages with notation marks made by Dr?LaPaz and autographed by him.
> Now would this book have any?historical significance to meteorite historians?or?the University of New Mexico? Does something of this nature?come up often in the meteorite market and is there a collectiblity for?items?like this?for collecters or institutions?
> Shawn Alan
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Received on Tue 09 Mar 2010 10:00:35 AM PST

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