[meteorite-list] pronunciation of L'aigle

From: GeoZay at aol.com <GeoZay_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 20:26:51 EST
Message-ID: <5f2ec.2502e0db.38cd955b_at_aol.com>

>> L'aigle is an easy one. * aigle * is the " eagle "
> in English but let's talk about its pronunciation:<<

Well...while we are at it, how do you pronounce "Sikhote-alin" ? You can't
begin to imagine how I was pronouncing it until I heard someone actually
say it aloud about a month ago. Figured it had to be right because it was
easier to get thru the lips. I now understand it to be pronounced like
That's from the point of view of english speaking people. Am I close or am
I still off?
Received on Sat 13 Mar 2010 08:26:51 PM PST

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