[meteorite-list] Mississippi Meteor

From: Mike Hankey <mike.hankey_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 11:54:51 -0400
Message-ID: <f0a794131003150854m4d4323eagdf2d3354cad6e9a9_at_mail.gmail.com>

I saw a bunch of twitters about a meteor with sonic boom in
Mississippi yesterday...


TDubb : Anyone? RT _at_EricLawWLBT: Who saw/heard the meteor that came
down a couple of hours ago? Loud enough to rattle windows in some
parts of state Reply

jimwxgator : More meteor reports over Mississippi _at_EricLaw_WLBT RT
_at_kantessab: I'm in Itta Bena, MS and def heard something I assumed was
thunder... Reply

belter : has seen a meteor - or, more romantically, a shooting star ... Reply

jimwxgator : Possible meteor over Mississippi? RT _at_EricLawWLBT: Who
saw/heard the meteor that came down a couple of hours ago? Reply

WTVAWeather : We are in a period of the Gamma Normids Meteor Shower
that peaked yesterday....still not sure about the reports coming in
today... Reply

WTVAWeather : Possible meteor that vaporized as it entered earth's
atmosphere creating a sonic boom... Reply

ostinsfriend : RT _at__ryanjones_: Just witnessed a METEORITE fall out at
Dogwood in Jackson...it was a big ball of fire that fell right behind
Kroger. Other people saw it too Reply

trishuhhh : _at_megxr fact: you have a better chance of getting hit with
a meteorite than getting eaten by a wolf, unless you wake up naked in
the woods Reply

ostinsfriend : _at_juliestraw Hmm... Tell more about this meteorite...
did it smash something or someone? Reply

juliestraw : Got several calls into the newsroom about a meteorite
falling from the sky. Anyone else? Reply

_ryanjones_ : Just witnessed a METEORITE fall out at Dogwood in
Jackson...it was a big ball of fire that fell right behind Kroger.
Other people saw it too Reply
Received on Mon 15 Mar 2010 11:54:51 AM PDT

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