[meteorite-list] Ad Ebay sellers must see

From: Meteorites USA <eric_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 22:41:51 -0700
Message-ID: <4BA06B9F.1090409_at_meteoritesusa.com>

There are no online sites the can provide the reach that Ebay does. Ebay
knows this, hence their overinflated fees and idiotic policies which are
driving away sellers.

No sellers + Nothing to buy = Less money for Ebay! Seems rather counter
intuitive to me. I say Ebay should raise their fees to 50% and get it
over with. At least then they'll go bankrupt faster and people will be
motivated to create an alternative.

Spacifieds.com is a free option. I created this site a while back and
its been on pause for a while.

I know there's some other auction sites, but nothing like Ebay. Yahoo
shut it's auctions down a long time ago, and Amazon is mainly books and
stuff and their fees are expensive. I don't know of any alternative
that can really compete with Ebay except Craigslist and Ebay owns 25% of
that company too.

Oh well...


On 3/16/2010 10:24 PM, Richard Kowalski wrote:
> Much of my collection has come about by winning ebay auctions, but I can see dealers bugging out in greater numbers. Ebay is easy to use, but I'd rather put my money in the dealer's than into ebay's pocket...
> What online auction sites are you dealers using or considering using?
> --
> Richard Kowalski
> Full Moon Photography
> IMCA #1081
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Received on Wed 17 Mar 2010 01:41:51 AM PDT

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