[meteorite-list] Kudos to Petrus Jenniskens
From: Marc Fries <chief_scientist_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 18:53:49 -0600 Message-ID: <1F854075-4242-464A-BCA7-EDB3392C9EDC_at_galacticanalytics.com> Howdy all I want to point out the recent Science article on the Sutter's Mill meteorite, which I'm sure many of y'all are already aware of. I'd like to direct your attention to the author list in particular. There are several names on there that are not Ph.D.-bearing meteorite scientists, but who are members of the meteorite community who've contributed to the recovery and investigation of this important fall. Many kudos to Petrus Jenniskens for including them in there - the author list is a wonderful cross-section of our community and it highlights the distinct, but highly complementary, roles that we all play. One of the things I like the most about meteorite research is that it is immediately accessible to the public, and that many people of a wide range of backgrounds and skills participate in it. We get to help ensure that kids in school today learn more about their world, their Solar System, and in nature in general than we did when we were in school. That's progress of the most important kind. http://www.sciencemag.org/content/338/6114/1583.abstract Cheers, Marc Fries Received on Fri 21 Dec 2012 07:53:49 PM PST |
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