[meteorite-list] Quickie

From: Richard Montgomery <rickmont_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 20 May 2012 17:28:11 -0700
Message-ID: <3A4B7F80E1DB4CDDA99615C1767AF14F_at_bosoheadPC>

Ah, the wisdom of youth! If I could only reverse my accumulated clutter....

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Wooddell" <nf114ec at npgcable.com>
To: "Meteorite-List" <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Quickie

> It was science week at an elementary school.
> A third grade teacher was teaching the young kids in his class about the
> solar system. He came in early one day and moved all the desks to the
> side of the classroom on each wall. He proceeded to set up the sun and
> planets using various sized styrofoam balls on stands that represented our
> sun, planets and moons. It took several hours to set up and filled the
> center of the class room.
> Later that morning, after the children arrived, he walked around
> explaining the orbits, and how things worked.
> Afterwards the children could ask questions.
> One young girl asked how the moon went around the earth. So he grabbed
> the moon and showed her how it went around the earth.
> Another young student asked how the earth went around the sun. So with
> the help of the young girl the asked the first question, he show the earth
> going around the sun at the same time the moon was going around the earth!
> It took some coordination!
> One of the brighter students then asked the question....if all these
> planets go around the sun, then what does the sun go around?? The teacher
> looked around the room, paused and said, "Good Question"!
> Are we having fun yet?
> Cheers!
> Jim
> Jim Wooddell
> http://k7wfr.us
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Received on Sun 20 May 2012 08:28:11 PM PDT

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