[meteorite-list] FW: Meteoritic stardust anti-ageing cream

From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks <meteoritemike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2013 15:50:28 -0400
Message-ID: <CAKBPJW8WoZuu7RLcQsvaj1Rm=u3dDxwW+H5b+TLkKH0D1nzYdw_at_mail.gmail.com>

Lunar dust viagra fail - And eBay would allow the idiotic negative
feedback to stay.

During my last eBay run, I sold a meteorite on to some nutjob who
tried to scam me. They filed a PP dispute on the very same day the
package was delivered. They tried to claim it never arrived. I had
documentation on my side, including the ship/delivery confirmation. I
also had several horrible messages they had sent me via the eBay
messaging system - these messages made the person look like a raving
lunatic. I forwarded everything to eBay and won the dispute case.
However, the clown left me a negative feedback and I got tired of
jumping through hoops to have it removed - it stayed and is still
there. The only negative I had received in almost 15 years on eBay
and thousands of transactions without issues.

I find that eBay is filled with nutjobs like that. The very last time
I sold anything on eBay, a buyer claimed he didn't realize how small a
micromount was. Well, the item was accurately described and clearly
shown in a good photo. There was also a scale cube for size
comparison and I explained the size of the scale cube. Ignorant buyer
who was too lazy to do some homework before buying - although
displeased, at least they didn't leave a negative feedback.

A couple of weeks ago, I briefly bandied around the idea of listing
some Chelyabinsk micros on eBay and actually put up a listing.
Moments later, I thought better of it and pulled it down.

That was the last straw. I haven't sold anything on eBay since and
never will again. I'd set a specimen on fire before offering it on
eBay. Until eBay changes their buyer-centric rules and reduces their
fees (which will never happen), I will never sell anything there. On
the other hand, I still buy stuff from eBay sellers - mostly because
those particular sellers have no presence outside of eBay and I have
no choice.

Best regards,


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On 4/24/13, tracy latimer <daistiho at hotmail.com> wrote:
> From: daistiho at hotmail.com
> To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Meteoritic stardust anti-ageing cream
> Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2013 19:35:37 +0000
> Holy frijoles, Batman!  What's he going to put in the negative feedback: "I
> used the dust like Viagra; it didn't work"?!?
> There is no fixing stupid.
> Tracy Latimer
>> Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2013 08:34:24 -0700
>> From: raremeteorites at yahoo.com
>> To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteoritic stardust anti-ageing cream
>> Yes, I had a customer who was buying up every small vial of NWA 5000 lunar
>> cutting dust I had for sale.  He asked if he could buy some off to the
>> side and I said no problem.  He was pleased to hear that I had over a
>> pound of it until I told him that the rest was dedicated to a project.  I
>> suggested he buy NWA 482 lunar dust instead.
>> He bought a vial of NWA 482 and was not pleased.   I asked what the
>> problem was and he admitted that he was adding the dust to saki and
>> drinking it after dinner.  He stated that the NWA 482 dust didn't work and
>> that his wife was not happy.  He went on to explain that the NWA 5000 dust
>> made him a young man in the bedroom and that if I did not provide him with
>> more that he would leave me negative feedback on eBay.    I told him that
>> I would provide him with a gram and that is all I could spare at the
>> time.   He then accused me of substituting NWA 482 dust instead of NWA
>> 5000.  He then bought a rather large slice to grind up himself.
>> I am sure it was the saki giving him prowess but he believed it was the
>> moon dust.  I finally blocked this guy from bidding not wanting to risk
>> negative feedback.
>> Adam
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Received on Wed 24 Apr 2013 03:50:28 PM PDT

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