[meteorite-list] Rare space rock goes unnoticed for 140 years - space - 13 December 2013 - New Scientist

From: Carl Agee <agee_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2013 11:58:49 -0700
Message-ID: <CADYrzhotTfD4xH8b+O=y134qqdPgCFQK7fFxs2p6LA8iQGLoZQ_at_mail.gmail.com>




Carl B. Agee
Director and Curator, Institute of Meteoritics
Professor, Earth and Planetary Sciences
MSC03 2050
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131-1126

Tel: (505) 750-7172
Fax: (505) 277-3577
Email: agee at unm.edu

On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 11:27 AM, Marco Langbroek
<marco.langbroek at online.nl> wrote:
>> Hi listoids,
>> No "Diepenveen", as the meteorite is now officially called, in the Met
>> Bull, sorry.
>> Best regards.
>> Michel Franco
>> IMCA 3869
> That's because the meteorite still has to be submitted. It's not an official
> name yet.
> It will probably be submitted in the next few weeks after some additional
> microprobe work to complement earlier preliminary work.
> I am one of the PI's on this meteorite.
> The meteorite is "officially" the 5th meteorite of the Netherlands in the
> sense that we have established it is a meteorite indeed, a CM Carbonaceous
> meteorite more exactly, and not paired to a known meteorite.
> Last Thursday, the former owner of the meteorite in a ceremony handed over
> the stone to the Dutch National Museum of Natural History in Leiden, with
> press present, hence why it is in the news now.
> For some pictures of the stone, see here:
> http://home.online.nl/marco.langbroek/diepnl.html
> (apologies that there is only a Dutch text for the moment)
> More news on this meteorite somewhere next year when we have completed
> several analysis. Besides our VU University Amsterdam, several international
> institutions are involved (Oxygen isotopes were done at UNM for example and
> CRE at UC Berkeley) and research is still ongoing.
> This is the 5th surviving meteorite of the Netherlands but the third
> chronologically if we look at the fall date, 27 October 1873.
> Chronologically it is the 2nd witnessed CM fall, after Cold Bokkeveld.
> For those of you who master Dutch, there is a TV news item in Dutch about
> the handover ceremony here, including some short snippets of interview with
> me, the former owner, and the amateur astronomer who basically
> 'rediscovered' it in the former owner's rock collection 139 years after it
> fell:
> http://youtu.be/8IPR9vrQoR4
> There is only one stone (a half stone actually: 50-65% fusion crust),
> originally weighing 68 grams before sampling. It came in a wooden box with a
> beautiful hand-written label with details including location, date, time,
> phenomena, name of the person who picked it up etcetera. With some
> additional archive research, we can pinpoint the fall location to a few
> hundred yards.
> Cheers,
> - Marco
> -----
> Dr Marco Langbroek
> Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences
> VU University Amsterdam
> -----
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Received on Sat 14 Dec 2013 01:58:49 PM PST

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