[meteorite-list] Russia mega meteor and asteroid 2012DA14 related, yes I think so...

From: Bjorn Sorheim <astrogeo_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2013 20:04:46 +0100
Message-ID: <>

I must be starting praying for you MIke!!?
That's the most clueless article about these events I have ever seen.
Or someone purporting to know anything about celestial mechanics.
Wired and author Helene McLaughlin doesn't know a thing about celestial
The diagram is totally wrong, and the explanation about their paths is
a TOTAL misunderstanding.
As I have been trying to convey, the meteoroid falling in
Russia (technically it is actually an asteroid as it is so big 15-17m)
didn't originate
from 2012DA14 while it passed the Earth! It split of way before and was
travelling parallell
with the mother asteroid but a long distance ahead of it and a bit over 2
Earth diameters
inside its orbit.

Mike Hankey wrote:

>good article that shows graphically why/how these are not related.
Received on Sat 16 Feb 2013 02:04:46 PM PST

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