[meteorite-list] The lucky Lilienthals and their new Arlington meteorite

From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks <meteoritemike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 11:29:34 -0400
Message-ID: <CAKBPJW8zvoPLN4Ocqtyiu6-2xRGRrpob33eGzVOn=OO0q3iTdA_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hi Martin and List,

Great find if it is confirmed. Met Bulletin and COM doesn't have much
info on this one.

>From Grady's COM :

Med. Octahedrite (IIE-om / 0.8mm)
Date of find - 1894
Sibley County, Minnesota
44.36N, 94.6W

"A mass of about 19.7lb was found 2.5 miles NE of Arlington.
Preliminary analysis: 8.60 %Ni, N.H. Winchell (1896).
Chemical analysis: 8.42 %Ni, 21.8 ppm.Ga, 64.9 ppm.Ge, 5.8 ppm.Ir,
E.R.D. Scott & J.T. Wasson (1976).
Thallium content, X. Guo et al. (1994).
INAA analysis and thermal history, J.T. Wasson & J. Wang (1986).
N abundance and isotopic composition, C.A. Prombo & R.N. Clayton (1993).
Noble gas data compilation, L. Schultz & H. Kruse (1989); L. Schultz
pers._ commun._ (1998)."

Best regards,


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On 6/19/13, karmaka <karmaka-meteorites at t-online.de> wrote:
> The lucky Lilienthals and their new Arlington meteorite:
> http://kstp.com/news/stories/s3071437.shtml
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jdp1Obt0sT4&feature=player_embedded#!
> Life is stranger (and more exciting) than fiction...
> Martin
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Received on Wed 19 Jun 2013 11:29:34 AM PDT

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