[meteorite-list] The stones from the desert.

From: Pict <pict_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 03 Mar 2013 09:28:29 -0700
Message-ID: <CD58C7ED.1317F%pict_at_pict.co.uk>

Put it this way. There is nothing in the texture that I can see that would
say it is definitely not terrestrial. Saying it is possibly
extraterrestrial would take someone with experience to spot something I
don't see. Looks pretty coarse grained and too differentiated (andesite?
sort of composition) to be anything common for a planetary. I'd be
interested to know if any meteoritic analogues to this sort of rock do
exist. Can't make a definite call myself. It is pretty however :-)


On 03/03/2013 08:54, "A.V.Leonenko" <alphoto at rambler.ru> wrote:

> bh?MKN7DaFu62exHztYTb9aXGIQnQ8I9paVtzxLifq30=;
> h=From:To:Reply-To:Subject:Date:MIME-Version:
> Content-Transfer-Encoding:Content-Type:In-Reply-To:Message-Id:
> References;
> b=tUGwPmLU18iZQYvFDfQsolWoLyBI+xX2Lj1mD2hPoLEDQAg/rE6e4uyuFRI/eRpPY
> eN0/EhuA31FXDQ4diS4wqqaI05VOnVJjuVI2ptqqigZEPjRu8+y7hZo5tUV3NG20rG
> elOFRSiz/jSACQtuR4bVVvcbmg03Hkaj4ckiXfMg
>Thanks for rating!
>So it is certainly not a meteorite?
>Yours faithfully.
>Navoi ?ity.
>> 3 ????? 2013 ?. 20:42:03 ???????????? Pict (pict at pict.co.uk) ???????:
>> Aleksandr,
>> Has the appearance of an igneous porphyry of some sort. Looks like the
>> larger light phenocrysts are feldspars (fairly pale colour so possibly
>> plagioclase?) and possibly the dark flecks are biotite. It appears
>> veined with quartz or calcite so may have undergone some hydrothermal
>> alteration. I'm pretty much guessing. Igneous petrology is not my strong
>> point but I'm sure there are others around that might be able to deduce
>> something more definitive from an image alone.
>> Regards,
>> John
>> On 03/03/2013 02:44, "A.V.Leonenko" <alphoto at rambler.ru> wrote:
>> >
>> >Hi List!
>> >What can you say these stones?
>> >Thank you!
>> >http://www.meteoritics.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?t=755
>> >Yours faithfully.
>> >Aleksandr.
>> >
>> >______________________________________________
>> >
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>> >
Received on Sun 03 Mar 2013 11:28:29 AM PST

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