[meteorite-list] one add on to mets sales

From: steve arnold <chicagosteve1954_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2013 20:51:50 -0600
Message-ID: <CACgEgURoYCEX7y1SUP5Gs5Cpa3L2VhsrNVDHsgUPUu0EC3dMrA_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hi again list. I am sorry for this, but I did sincerely forget to add
1 piece that I forgot I had in the 10 meteorites for sale. A 12 gram
imichil with a small hole $70. The 7 gram imichil is sold, but the
remaining 10 are still all up for grabs. Thanks again. No more on

Steve R. Anold, chicago, ill.
Received on Thu 07 Mar 2013 09:51:50 PM PST

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