[meteorite-list] Probable new fall on Lake Erie

From: Marc Fries <chief_scientist_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2013 10:04:05 -0800
Message-ID: <FB06CFA9-F095-4783-A0A7-1AFF316E217C_at_galacticanalytics.com>

Howdy ladies and gents

        A prominent fireball was seen across the Great Lakes area last night, to include a smoke trail and large detonation. We have located the event site in radar, seismometer, and eyewitness accounts, and radar indicates a strong possibility that meteorites may be found from this event. Most of the strewn field lies on Lake Erie itself, but the lake might be frozen at the fall site. This means two things - although it might be difficult to reach the site, any meteorites should be relatively easy to find. Second, meteorites on a frozen lake should have reduced terrestrial contamination, much like Tagish Lake. This would make the meteorites especially valuable to both scientists and collectors. If you find meteorites from this event, please be especially careful in handling them. We recommend using clean aluminum foil to pick them up, and wrapping them in at least one layer of foil. Then place them in either a ziplock bag or a clean glass jar (glass is preferred because it doesn't off-gas chemicals).

        Good luck!


Marc Fries, Rob Matson, Jake Schaefer, Jeff Fries
Galatctic Analytics LLC
Received on Sat 09 Mar 2013 01:04:05 PM PST

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