[meteorite-list] My Tscheljbinsk Meteorite Sample....photos

From: Martin Goff <msgmeteorites_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2013 18:32:11 +0000
Message-ID: <CAKEL=tBxuqf9MC68V-biy0i0b0rohvuSfRhSFgHc08RU6oNczQ_at_mail.gmail.com>


Nice stone. Looks like it has it got those reddish/bronze patches on
parts of the fusion crust. Are these all over or just on one side? I
was under the impression that these are formed when the trailing side
of a meteorite has a lower supply of oxygen and the crust forms a
different colour due to the lack of oxygen? Is that right? If the
stone is not oriented though and tumbling as it falls would the lack
of oxygen have such an effect? Or would this just make it more
uniform? Just pondering :-)

Anyway, nice fresh specimen, congrats :-) Glad it arrived safe and
sound. Hopefully my specimen isnt far behind ;-)



Martin Goff
IMCA #3387

Sent from my mobile phone

On 9 Mar 2013 15:41, "Graham Ensor" <graham.ensor at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Exciting day today....just picked this up from the post office...a
> nice 23g individual with some crazy metal blebs, frothing and
> colour....photos here...
> http://s760.beta.photobucket.com/user/Graham-Ensor/library/Tscheljbinsk%20Meteorite
> Graham
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Received on Sat 09 Mar 2013 01:32:11 PM PST

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