[meteorite-list] NWA5400

From: pshugar at messengersfromthecosmos.com <pshugar_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 01:20:52 -0700
Message-ID: <20130311012052.979558876a36f2d1b40acd6b9bcaf01e.8bf6d3f00a.wbe_at_email09.secureserver.net>

Since this tracks on the terestial O2 line, can this be concidered a
planetary meteorite, along
with the Lunars, Martians, as well as Asteroid 4 vesta?

Would these be the only 4 planitaries so far or has maybe Mecrury
checked in with a sample of it's own?

Pete IMCA 1733
Received on Mon 11 Mar 2013 04:20:52 AM PDT

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