[meteorite-list] I love e-Bay

From: John higgins <geohiggins_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2013 07:30:09 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <1367937009.46520.YahooMailNeo_at_web120002.mail.ne1.yahoo.com>

I love e-Bay!

There is no other place where you can find such great deals on such a wide range of items.
For those who complain and blame about the service, I'm sorry you feel that way, I suggest you focus your energy on something more productive than shooting down what has always been ultimately the best and cheapest place to find nearly any type of meteorite specimen.Yes there will always be plenty to complain about, politics, taxes, corporate profits, etc....
I suggest to take e-Bays policies with a? grain of salt. It's the availability of so many specimens on e-Bay that through the years helped fuel the fiery passion of so many for meteorites. Nowhere else can you win a beautiful polished rare meteorite specimen for .99
Oh and lets not forget to mention how much fun the bidding process is!
It is the ultimate place for the shopper to discover and fall in love with the world of meteorites, especially if you are on a budget. Lets put the customer first and focus on availability and price. The competition on e-bay keeps the prices down for everyone, and that includes collectors, scientist and institutions who want affordable specimens to study. I support e-Bay and believe it's impact on meteorites and the culture of meteorites and the science is much further advanced than had e-bay never existed.

I have great respect for all meteorites dealers who do business on e-bay and off of e-bay, lets all share that sentiment of mutual respect for one another regardless of where we choose to do business.

May the culture of e-bay and meteorites live long and prosper!

Sincerely kindest regards,
John Higgins
ebay name : MeteoriteHunting
ebaystore?? : OuterSpaceRocks

From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks <meteoritemike at gmail.com>
To: Don Skidmore <skiddylandhq at aol.com>
Cc: "meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com" <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Monday, May 6, 2013 9:33 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] eBay plus and minus

For all of the smack I talk about eBay for sellers, as I buyer, I love
it.? Buyers can do no wrong.? eBay coddles it's buyers because it's
profit model changed when it acquired PayPal.? Prior to the
eBay/PayPal era, eBay tried to compete with PayPal by offering a rival
in-house payment service called BillPoint.? For years, eBay made the
bulk of it's revenue from the fees generated by sellers.? The playing
field, vis-a-vis buyers and sellers, was more level then.

BillPoint failed miserably and PayPal dominated.? eBay bought out
PayPal and then the profit model changed.? Suddenly, eBay made
revenues from sellers and buyers in a more equal proportion - seller's
fees (listing, enhancements, final value) *and* now fees from buyers
via PayPal (which are paid by the seller).? From that point forward,
eBay had to consider both sides using a different formula that
eventually tilted the playing field in favor of the buyer.? This is
worsened when eBay started generating significant advertising and
third-party revenue, further eroding it's financial dependance on

eBay is now a hell for sellers and a heaven for buyers - more so than
ever before.

I salute those old guard eBay meteorite sellers like the Humphries,
Bessey, and Hupes and others - they are a dying breed and a throw-back
to the heyday of meteorites on eBay.? If things keep going downhill
for sellers, the last diehards may abandon ship for better venues to

Is the writing on the wall for eBay meteorite trade dominance?.... One
look at Greg Hupe's killer new stand-alone website, and I see a trend
gathering momentum.? Ask Greg if he regrets setting up that website.
I can't speak for him, but I bet he's wondering why he didn't do it
sooner.? Plus, it's good eye candy.? :)

Best regards,

Web - http://www.galactic-stone.com
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On 5/6/13, Don Skidmore <skiddylandhq at aol.com> wrote:
> Hi list! I seldom post but enjoy all the remarks from the regulars. About
> the eBay thing... If I may weigh in... Aspects of eBay seem deplorable for
> sellers. As a buyer, however, I have at times gotten some incredible deals
> on ebay on high quality meteorites from trustworthy sources. To never shop
> ebay is a mistake, or would have been for me at least. (Though i have burnt
> myself a few times too) Yet, on the other hand, one can at times buy even
> better specimens of the same meteorite fall from a dealer's website for less
> people are paying in insane bidding wars on eBay. Dealer's are often very
> willing to offer a discount when they can. It certainly pays to know the
> dealer sites and remember what they have to offer. Getting to know dealers,
> hunters, and other collectors is part of the fascination with meteorites.
> So, Thanks for those of you who have nice websites... AND also for those of
> you who use eBay!? Don (Skidmore)
> Sent from my iPad
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Received on Tue 07 May 2013 10:30:09 AM PDT

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