[meteorite-list] House-Pedigree-AD: Large Nininger Bondoc (244g) & superb Nininger Estherville Indivdual (111g) with AML-Labels

From: Martin Altmann <altmann_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 20:20:37 +0200
Message-ID: <007d01ce5262$10cce860$3266b920$_at_de>

Dear Collectors,

today we want to accelerate especially the heartbeat of the lovers of
documented historic specimens,
in setting up for sale two of such, which would be without doubt also very
if they wouldn't be accompanied by their passports of provenience, the
labels of the
American Meteorite Laboratory.

The American Meteorite Laboratory (AML) was founded in 1960 in Westminster,
Colorado by H.H.Nininger's daughter Margaret
and her husband Glenn Huss, to reestablish and continue the work of her
father with his American Meteorite Museum,
which he had finally to shut down for financial reasons in 1953.
The AML had such an outreach in the institutional and private meteorite
scene, that it served even as an eponym for the meteorite dealers of the
following generation, like e.g. the Suisse Meteorite Laboratory and the
Bavarian Meteorite Laboratory.

Instead of giving you here the hundredth instant-biography of Nininger or
Huss, we rather like to honor:
The women! Who so undeservedly are standing small and faint behind the
gloriole of their husbands,
who never would have achieved that, they are celebrated for, if there hadn't
been the support by the passion, the patience, the knowledge and the special
abilities of their wives.(see also post scriptum).

Therefore you get here for reading the obit for Margaret Huss, who died in

Now to the exhibits:



Bondoc was one of the largest coups ever of the Niningers.
The story of the adventurous recovery is told in one of Al Mitterling's
"Nininger Moments":

Unfortunately the large slices cut from the huge main mass turned out to be
everything else than stable
and they crumbled and disintegrated to the harder iron nodules, manifold
abundant in Bondoc, in larger silicate inclusions and crumbs of rust.

The AML-Bondoc offered now is pretty massive and stable, looks like to be an
and belongs to the iron-rich mesosideritic looking specimens, which seems to
be scarcer than the preserved iron nodules and eucritic/silicate-inclusions.

244 gram it has!


As you can see, in the last decades it had developed here and there some
rust on the cut face.
According to your wishes, we can re-polish it.
(We have let it now as it is, because we know that most pedigree-collectors
like their specimens to be as original as possible, also to keep the
accordance of the specimen's weight with the given weight on the label).

The second AMLer is a truly wonderful



We guess, that Estherville doesn't need any introduction anymore here on the
as it is the third largest observed fall of the U.S.

Nevertheless it seems pretty difficult to find nowadays still entire
individuals, better than the also hard to get popular nuggets.
Here to your delight we have now a perfectly intact individual, which by all
means would be also without the old label a premium collection-piece for
your cabinet.
Note that it has not only the thinner rougher fusion crust, but also the fat
and bulgy one with bubbles from outgassing where the silicate constituents
had been molten.
111 grams it has
(and Nininger/Huss/AMM/AML-fans know, that Esthervilles with AML-Labels are
so much rarer than the Bondocs).


Bondoc 244g $1350
Estherville 111g $1387

Both together: $2580

And for your patience, to have read the advertizing until that point, a
third goodie:


All said about Murchison.
The recent 5 years it got so sought after, that the standard price, even for
larger stones, has established at 150$/g
(and even 200-250$/g for minor amounts here and there and on ebay). Below
you won't get any anymore.

Here now a fragment, naked without crust and grinded on one side,
At $800 with a weight of 8.13grams - which is 98.4$/g.

The label on the back is looking familiar, but we didn't get it, from whom
it could be.
Maybe you can identify it? The font is outdated today, print looks like to
stem from the time, when the printers still had needles.


Now time to let the games begin!

The Meteorite House
Hamburg - Munich

P.S. Some visualizations on the topic: Women in meteoritics...

A) Josephine Peary

   her husband

B) Dresden: woman

   Dresden: men

C) Nininger, Abbie & Harvey

E) Meteorite Woman:

   Meteorite Man
Received on Thu 16 May 2013 02:20:37 PM PDT

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