[meteorite-list] NASA Continues Workshop to Discuss Asteroid Initiative Ideas

From: Ron Baalke <baalke_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 16:20:36 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <201311130020.rAD0KajP000138_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov>

November 12, 2013

Sarah Ramsey/Rachel Kraft
Headquarters, Washington
sarah.ramsey at nasa.gov / rachel.h.kraft at nasa.gov
NASA Continues Workshop to Discuss Asteroid Initiative Ideas

NASA has rescheduled its Asteroid Synthesis Workshop, a public forum to
examine and synthesize 96 of the ideas submitted to a Request for Information
(RFI) about the agency's asteroid initiative. The workshop will be held Nov.
20 - 22 at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston, and is a
continuation of the workshop originally scheduled for Sept. 30 - Oct. 2,
which was ended early because of the government shutdown.

The workshop will feature discussions by experts from NASA, the agency's
international partners, private industry and the public. Topics include how
best to identify, capture and relocate a near-Earth asteroid for closer
study, how to respond to asteroid threats, as well as partnership,
crowdsourcing and citizen science ideas. Workshop results will be considered
for future planning as NASA refines the details of its mission.

NASA's fiscal year 2014 budget proposes an asteroid initiative that includes
a strategy to leverage human and robotic activities for a first-ever human
mission to an asteroid, while also accelerating efforts to improve detection
and characterization of asteroids. The work aligns the agency's ongoing
efforts in science, new technology development and human exploration.

NASA received more than 400 ideas in response to the June RFI. The ideas were
submitted by industry, universities, international organizations, and for the
first time, individual members of the public. NASA's selection process
involved agency scientists, engineers and mission planners who are
formulating details of the asteroid initiative.

Each session will be webcast on NASA's UStream channel, and virtual
participation is encouraged. Because of limited capacity, in person
attendance is limited to invited, registered presenters. Selected sessions
also will be broadcast on NASA Television. Virtual audience members can ask
questions through the UStream chat function and via Twitter with
session-specific hashtags. Complete schedule information, live webcasts,
hashtags, and other details on how to participate virtually can be found at:


Media interested in attending the workshop in person should contact Rachel
Kraft at rachel.h.kraft at nasa.gov or Sarah Ramsey at sarah.ramsey at nasa.gov .

For NASA TV streaming video, downlink and scheduling information, visit:


For more information on NASA's asteroid initiative, visit:


Received on Tue 12 Nov 2013 07:20:36 PM PST

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