[meteorite-list] AD: Vagn Buchwald Set and great specimes for sale
From: Darwin Schultz <rapidrigger_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 17:28:55 -0800 Message-ID: <BAY176-W2605AA5117F1A1D0E4509EADE10_at_phx.gbl> Hello list, I would like to offer to you a great selection that may interest some of you! Literature: 1. Handbook of Iron Meteorites, Vagn F. Buchwald, 3 vol set with slipcase, in mint conditon 2. Jose C Haro, Catalog of Mexican Meteorites Meteorites: 1. Lixna: 2.65g fragment, Ex. M. Bandli, A. Lang 2. L'Aigle: 5.6g slice, small amount of crust, Ex M. Morgan, Musuem National D'Histoirie Naturelle (No 1480) 3. Tauk: 11.35g part slice with crust, perhaps the only piece with crust, Ex M. Bandli, R. Elliot, NMH London (BM 1936,158) 4. Zagami: 1.75g slice, Ex. Steve Arnold 5. Forest City: 26.6g individual, Ex. R. Elliot, unknown collection # TH 38.4 6. Tuscon Ring: 1.5g part slice, Ex B. Vajdl, C. Kuo 7. Tissint: 10.27g fragment 30% crust, Ex Gary Fujihara 8. ALHA 76009: 14.4g part slice, Ex. M. Bandli, B. Vajdl, A. Black, A. Lang, C. Kohl 9. Kapoeta: 5.27g part slice, Ex. B. Vajdl, Mineralogical Research Co. 10. Wellman (C): 197.2g individual, Ex. B. Vajdl, G. Notkin, Cornelius #2.35 11. Dimmit: 497.3g endcut, Ex G. Notkin (NC-DM-2), Monnig (#M138.83 & 12CY) 12. La Lande: 39.1g slice, Ex. Monnig # M242.1, Nininger #464.3, other #'s 41.64, 13. Broken Bow: 135.8g full slice, Ex. G. Catterton, ASU # 401.1X, Nininger Catalog 401.1, main mass 14. Tryon: 86.24g end cut, Ex. P. Marmet, ASU # 229H 15. Thuathe: Stone 1052, 177g individual, Ex. B. Vajdl 16. Wiluna: 41.5g individual, Ex. Tricottet collection, WAM # 12934 in both white and red 17. For the Meteorite Men fan: A directors slate from "Return to Sweden", Season Three Episode One Please contact me off list for pricing and any other info or pictures. Any and all reasonable offers will be taken into condsideration. All items in US funds, paypal prefered and the addition of shipping to final agreed price. Thanks for looking Received on Wed 20 Nov 2013 08:28:55 PM PST |
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