[meteorite-list] achrondrites in the field without fusion crust

From: Steve Witt <stelor96_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 20:31:09 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <1385008269.14991.YahooMailNeo_at_web142404.mail.bf1.yahoo.com>

Jack, List members,

I can't speak to finding a non crusted achondrite, but I have purchased one in the not so distant past. Originally thought to be a possible lunar, it turned out to be a Eucrite. Now NWA 7958. Not very pretty, but it is a meteorite.

Image of stone - http://www.flickr.com/photos/stevewitt/10972586353/

Image after cut - http://www.flickr.com/photos/stevewitt/10972686044/

Meteoritical Bulletin entry - http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/index.php?sea=NWA+7958&sfor=names&ants=&falls=&valids=&stype=contains&lrec=50&map=ge&browse=&country=All&srt=name&categ=All&mblist=All&rect=&phot=&snew=0&pnt=Normal%20table&code=57649


Steve Witt
IMCA #9020

> From: jack satkoski <jackoski at yahoo.com>
>To: "meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com" <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
>Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 6:58 PM
>Subject: [meteorite-list] achrondrites in the field without fusion crust
>Their must be field examples of achrondrites found without fusion crust.? The metal bearing chondrites can be identified after fusion crust is gone but what about achrondrites?
>Sometimes while hunting a dry lake bed with nothing around for miles you find this basalt in the proverbal middle of nowhere!!!
>What would you look for before sending a sample to one of the meteorite classifying labs?
>Thanks for your help.
>Jack Satkoski
>Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
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Received on Wed 20 Nov 2013 11:31:09 PM PST

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