[meteorite-list] Katol news

From: Jason Utas <meteoritekid_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2013 11:40:06 -0700
Message-ID: <CABEOBjJPHag9FD61DQY4J-WNAZtN1mn4P1topaKP3bVRZhm-UQ_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hello Mike,
The data and thin sections I've seen suggest that it is a completely
recrystallized rock with a generally chondritic composition.

Such meteorites have been previously classified as primitive
achondrites, type-7 chondrites, and metachondrites. I believe the
distinction between these "groups" is semantic, though most
researchers seem to have opinions regarding the use of particular
names. Examples of some accepted chemical groups of these meteorites
are acapulcoites/lodranites, winonaites, and possibly 'primitive
enstatite achondrites.'

Basic mineralogy did not rule out an L or H chondrite protolith, so it
could be the first witnessed fall of a thoroughly metamorphosed
ordinary/H chondrite, but it is not an H5.


The features noted in the above paper as chondrules could potentially
represent relict chondrules, but I have yet to see anything that I
would deem a chondrule remnant in the (several) thin sections I've
examined...or those images.

American and other scientists are currently working on the stone in
order to classify it.


On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 9:36 AM, Galactic Stone & Ironworks
<meteoritemike at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi List,
> Last night I heard something puzzling.
> A collector/scientist that I know says that he read a paper published
> by GSI that claims Katol is an H5 chondrite. I asked him for a link
> to the paper or more info on it, and I am still waiting to hear back
> on that.
> In the meantime, this has me wondering. I have seen a lot of H5
> chondrites over the years. I have seen fresh H5 falls and weathered
> H5 NWA stones. I have never seen an H5 (or any H-chondrite) that
> resembles Katol. I have a hard time believing that this meteorite is
> an H. The pieces I have seen (many, ranging in size from crumbs to 2+
> grams, whole and fragments) do not look like chondrites at all. I
> have heard reports of specimens that have chondrules, but I have not
> seen any. I also heard reports of a specimen that is entirely metal
> and another one with crystalline inclusions. If those reports are
> credible, and based on the green matrix and crystalline texture, then
> I doubt this is an H-chondrite.
> Does anyone have a link to this GSI paper or more info about it?
> Best regards,
> MikeG
> --
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Received on Tue 01 Oct 2013 02:40:06 PM PDT

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