[meteorite-list] Ad-Auctions ending today

From: Matt Morgan <mail_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 09:20:07 -0600
Message-ID: <2dbd6ec5-d661-4cfc-971d-9247b1d13735_at_email.android.com>

I have some nice meteorite auctions ending in a few short hours. Please view the listings here: <http://stores.Ebay.com/Mile-High-Meteorites>.

Specimens include a 597g Estherville, 24g D'Orbigny, 242g Belmont and other planetary and historic falls. I also added a few pieces to my museum gallery including an Akwanga slice from Robert Haag.

Matt Morgan
Mile High Meteorites

Matt Morgan
Mile High Meteorites
PO Box 151293
Lakewood CO 80215 USA
Find Us on Facebook
Received on Sun 01 Sep 2013 11:20:07 AM PDT

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