[meteorite-list] AD - New Meteorites!!! Nothing but Winners at the Denver Coliseum Show!!!

From: Dana Jenkerson <keithandana_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2013 13:22:05 -0700
Message-ID: <CANcWJtT3w8HPAB6Mhdgufxqi1dmDv+UFA6pb09TJz8r8jGaSDw_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hi, Everyone!

We will be at the Denver Coliseum again this year located in the arena
floor and will be featuring two new meteorites! Both of these were
submitted to the nomenclature committee last week so should be
official very soon.

The first one is:

Winner (Prov), an L4, OC, Tripp County, South Dakota - I believe this
is number 17 for the great state of South Dakota! It has a lot going
on in it - dark matrix with green, grey, white and yellow chondrules;
and troilite inclusions - take a look at a slice of it here:


Only one specimen was found so there are limited slices available - 16
full slices that weigh from 94.69 gms to 298.4 gms and 10 small pieces
from 20 grams and under. This is all the material that will be
available, so get yours while you can!


Nothing (Prov), a IID Iron, Om, Mohave County, Arizona - IID irons are
very rare - The Nothing Iron makes number 22 in the World! See a
slice of the Nothing Iron here:


There was only one specimen found of this iron as well so slices are
limited with less than 20 to choose from.

Besides these two awesome new meteorites, we will have some beautiful
Seymchan - Admire - Esquel - Meteorite Pallasite Inlay Letter Openers
- Meteorite Knives - Sutter's Mill - Muonio - Gibeon - Brenham - Some
beautiful Faceted Admire Peridot - Pretty much anything you could be
looking for!

Everything we have will be with us at the show - make sure to stop by
and take a look!

Our show opens on September 7th and runs through September 15th.

We look forward to seeing you there!


KD Meteorites
Keith and Dana Jenkerson
4596 N. Vickie Lane
Kingman, AZ., 86409
Received on Mon 02 Sep 2013 04:22:05 PM PDT

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