[meteorite-list] ALH76009

From: Bernd Pauli HD <bernd.pauli_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:44:13 2004
Message-ID: <3B2DF7F7.156687DB_at_lehrer1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>

David Hardy wrote:

> I just received a nice 5 gram piece of Allan Hills 76009 (thanks E.T.!) and am
> trying to find some info on it. The Catalogue of Meteorites does not have much
> on it. Does anyone know the terrestrial age of it, or any other info not in
> the CoM?

Hi Dave and List,

Congrats on your ALHA76009. Here is some info:

Marvin, U.B. and Mason B. (1980) Catalog of Antarctic Meteorites,
1977-1978, Smithson. Contr. Earth Sci. 23, p. 34:

Of the four L6 chondrites (76001, 76003, 76007, 76009) collected by the
1976-77 party, ALHA 76009 was notable as being the largest meteorite yet
discovered in Antarctica. It was found as a group of 33 fragments, the
three largest weighing respectively 114, 102, and 58 kg. (In December
1978, a 138 kg iron and several smaller masses of the same meteorite
were found on the slopes of Derrick Peak, near the Darwin glacier
(80° S / 158° E).) These four chondrites are very similar in mega-
scopic appearance, degree of weathering (minor, confined to limo-
nitic staining around metal grains), and composition of principal
minerals. Weber and Schultz (1978) have published He, Ne, and
Ar data on these meteorites, and for 76007, Kirsten, Ries, and
Fireman (1978) have calculated an exposure age of 22 ± 2 my.

Best wishes,

Received on Mon 18 Jun 2001 08:45:44 AM PDT

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