[meteorite-list] Bad Language...Thanks for the test

From: John Gwilliam <jkg_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:17:48 2004
Message-ID: <>

At 09:41 AM 12/16/03 -0500, GeoZay_at_aol.com wrote:
>Well...I had a real test on aol's spam control, from the recent thread
>that Matteo started. The one that contained a naughty word or two. I
>usually check just for grins those messages that ended up in my spam box
>before deleting them enmasse. I noticed several from the meteorite list.
>Thought there was some kind of error until I opened a couple...Looks like
>the spam control is actually working. I'm really considering adding the
>word "Matteo" to the word list. This will filter any messages out that
>contains it. Maybe add a couple more words and then "Presto"...most of the
>bull will be eliminated no matter who sends it. :o)

This could very well be the perfect solution to a problem that has plagued
this list since day one. If everyone were to filter out the whiners,
fighters, crybabies and seller posting the same or similar offer five or
six times a week, no one would have to actually see or read their posts.
The offending senders would still be able to see their posts show up on the
list without knowing that no one else was receiving them. They would feel
empowered and fulfilled without ever knowing that the rest of the list
wasn't watching and reading their garbage.

The only flaw I see in this is that Art would have to continue to deal with
all the wasted bandwidth.

I apologize for another off topic comment.

Food for thought,

Received on Tue 16 Dec 2003 11:09:41 AM PST

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