[meteorite-list] Meteorite hunting in the UK...

From: Steve Schoner <steve_schoner_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:22:36 2004
Message-ID: <20030611142102.73148.qmail_at_web12705.mail.yahoo.com>

--- mark ford <markf_at_ssl.gb.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I realize that most of the text books say, it's not
> worth going out
> specifically to look for meteorites, unless it is a
> known strewn field
> or a suspected fall site... but.
> I was wondering if anybody has any idea of what the
> actual likelyhood of
> finding anything meteoric in somewhere like England
> (the UK). I realize
> that anything one did find would likely be very
> weathered, but given the
> high average number of falls per square kilometer
> earth wide isn't
> likely that in a field system of a few square miles
> there should be
> something ?
> (And I know that our very own Rob Elliot found some
> in Scotland a while
> ago).
> Any comments anyone?
> Regards,
> Mark

If I were to look in the UK.... This may sound funny
to some, but think about it.... Hadrian's Wall.

Lots of rocks, hand gathered 2,000 years ago, and
piled from coast to coast.

A good metal detector, set to find stone and iron
meteorites,and the will to walk, (with the proper
permits of course) and who knows?

Might find something in that lenghty pile.

Steve Schoner

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