[meteorite-list] Anti-rust

From: Steve Schoner <steve_schoner_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:22:45 2004
Message-ID: <20030630145340.1715.qmail_at_web12701.mail.yahoo.com>


I am currently treating a 150 lb Campo for rusting

It will take about 6 months, an it is currently into
its 4th month.

I will post the results.

Also, the NaOH solution that I have used can also be
use in an electrolytic process where the meteorite
becomes the anode and the offending chlorine ions are
driven out of the specimen. I have not tried this
yet, and have chosen to use the passive method of
letting the specimen sit in the solution for extended
lenghts of time.

Steve Schoner/ams

Steve Schoner/ams
--- Joseph Murakami <murakamij004_at_hawaii.rr.com>
> Here's a bit of info while I was investigating
> anti-rust..
> The vapor emitters are fascinating, but how about
> for our open-air
> specimens on displays?? This may be prohibitively
> costly.I'll have to
> await their reply to my inquiries.
> This system is for 4WD's, SUV, auto's, but I imagine
> it might be
> adaptable for our larger meteorites. Anyone out
> there with rusty 300 lb
> Campo's??
> Joseph
> Honolulu
> http://www.counteractrust.com/
> The CounterAct electronic rust prevention system
> uses a process called
> 'capacitive coupling' to apply a measurable current
> to every metallic
> component of a vehicle that's earthed to the
> battery. A small unit,
> usually mounted on the firewall, detects the amount
> of power required to
> create an electrostatic field that will keep the
> metal structure
> electron-rich and then provides that power, reducing
> the ion mobility
> that's the basis of the corrosion process, The unit
> is fed from the
> vehicle's battery, drawing about as much current as
> an LCD clock.
> So the system operates by applying one of the
> principles of
> electrochemistry - that an oxidation reaction can be
> slowed or retarded
> by creating a surplus of electrons to the metal from
> a supplementary
> source.

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