[meteorite-list] Iron cutting problems :))

From: PolandMET.com <PolandMET.com_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:23:50 2004
Message-ID: <003801c2f058$0ba13de0$dd104cd5_at_marcincimaa>

Hello all
I want to ask You how You cut nantan or any other iron meteorite ?
Besouse yesterday I received my 5kg nantan and start to cut it on one end
(small slice around 7x4cm) and I destroy 2 diamond blades 0.5mm. This was
verry strange, becouse diamonds from one half of this blades was weared out
and from another not. Now I have this blades with diamonds for example 4mm
on one side and 5mm on another (in diameter).
This can be any troilite inclusion or what ? Blade was cut this nantan up to
1.5cm inside and then stop cutting and start waste blade.

Anyone know what happend ? This was my first iron cutting on my machine.
Thanks for help

-----[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-----[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]-----
http://www.meteoryt.net marcin_at_meteoryt.net
http://www.polandmet.com marcin_at_polandmet.com
http://www.vistapro.prv.pl +GSM (607) 535 195
--------[ Member of: Polish Meteoritical Society ]--------
Received on Sat 22 Mar 2003 04:47:24 AM PST

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