[meteorite-list] The Meteorite Poster

From: Notkin <geoking_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:27:45 2004
Message-ID: <v04220841bbd0ce6643af_at_[]>

Greetings Dear Listees:

As some of your will already be aware, my friend and colleague Sarah
Kennedy of Jensan Scientifics and I, spent several months this year
working on a large, detailed, full-color wall poster, entitled "The
World of Meteorites from A to Z." The poster is a massive 38 by 27
inches, printed in full color on high quality heavyweight glossy
stock, with a UV coating which will protect its bright colors from
damage by sunlight.

After hundreds of hours of work, the poster recently shipped from our
printer, and those of you who pre-ordered copies should have received
them by now. We were very pleased with the results, and I hope List
members will be as well.

For the poster, I took a series of 26 new, original meteorite
photographs (one for each letter of the alphabet), as well as several
other detailed images. Additional photos were kindly provided by Iris
Lang, O. Richard Norton, Tom Toffoli, Jackie Ho, and the American
Museum of Natural History.

While compiling the descriptive and explanatory copy, it was our
privilege to work with some of the top writers in the field: O.
Richard Norton, Dr. Harry McSween, Dr. David Kring, and David Weir.
List member David Weir worked closely with us nearly from the outset,
wrote all 26 of the meteorite descriptions, as well as carrying out
excellent research on specific historical details, and proved to be a
very fine proofreader to boot!

Several other List members stepped up to help us with the poster --
in particular my friend Allan Lang who very generously allowed me
complete access to his astonishing meteorite collection. We literally
could not have completed this project without Allan's support and
enthusiasm, as he provided us with many superb specimens including
Xingyang -- our meteorite for the letter "X," a Mundrabilla with a
hole, a chondrule-packed slice of Axtell, and others. John Sinclair,
Jamie Stephens, Jim Kriegh, Steve Arnold (IMB), Geoff Cintron, and
Bill Kroth were also of invaluable assistance, and gave us permission
to use meteorite specimens and/or photographs.

I have uploaded a large image of the poster for those of you who
would like to see the finished product:


The poster is available for only $16 + postage. Copies may be ordered
directly from Science Mall-USA:


I hope our poster will be remembered as a unique meteorite
collectible from 2003 -- a year which brought us some great new finds
and recoveries, including Park Forest and Thuathe. Sarah and I set
out to create the best meteorite poster ever made. Let us know if you
think we succeeded!

Best wishes to all,

Geoff Notkin

Received on Fri 07 Nov 2003 12:42:24 AM PST

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