[meteorite-list] Possible poisonous Lead Alert!

From: Marcia Swanson <MJSOfArc_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:27:53 2004
Message-ID: <2038-3FC51578-1173_at_storefull-2152.public.lawson.webtv.net>

Dear List,
Upon further reflection after writtting an answer Wed. Nov.26,2003 ,post
to Adam, on-list, about my suspicions that Galaxy Meteorites need to be
tested for lead content and how I came to this conclusion, I'd ike to
add a warning and take it a step further......hopefully, but doubtfully,
I'm wrong.
To all on list........getting rid of this person from E-bay is
important, but what about all and any of his merchandice which has
already been sold to non-member (IMCA) public? Possibly , people who may
not take the storing and air-tight displaying methods we do, or may just
add it to their neat collection of rocks, on their dresser ,accessible
to little brother or sister ?
A letter to him, informing him that we might be on to him, might make
him pull his meteorite line off e-bay, but considering the health risk
to any already sold, If I'm right, there's not only a monetary loss to
buyers, but a danger alert that should go out publically somehow. Don't
give him a chance to disappear, without e-bay taking some public
responsibility, or if neccessary the law being involved. Hope I'm
wrong,about the lead. Regards, Marcie
Received on Wed 26 Nov 2003 04:04:56 PM PST

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