[meteorite-list] Grapefruit-Sized Meteorite Smashes Through NewZealand Home

From: stan . <laser_maniac_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Jun 13 14:40:07 2004
Message-ID: <BAY18-F58cfJXr56RFY00045844_at_hotmail.com>

> Experts believe the meteorite, a chunk of an asteroid, could be worth
>than $6,300, the newspaper said.

"worth more than 6300$" is a pretty open ended statement, isnt it?

I dont know if any of the people who routinely chase falls will publuically
say what they typically pay for items, but would many dealers offer much
more the 5$/gram for a common chonderite? the price seems to be about

after all, the garza stone has been offered for as low as what, 10$/gram and
is still on the market, isnt it?

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Received on Sun 13 Jun 2004 02:40:05 PM PDT

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