[meteorite-list] interesting ebay auction

From: star-bits_at_comcast.net <star-bits_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 21 15:34:31 2005
Message-ID: <042120051934.16054.426800420005A11800003EB622007348309C9B070DD39D0E9B9C_at_comcast.net>

Thought everyone would find this interesting/humorous. First here is a link to the auction.


I thought not so much a meteorite, but maybe a comet. Here is a URL to a sold coin with a description of what the symbol really is. Enjoy ;-))


Eric Olson    Being positively verbose, 3rd post in 24 hours.
ELKK Meteorites
Received on Thu 21 Apr 2005 03:34:26 PM PDT

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